Cranio-Sacral Therapy
Medical science has shown that a cranio-sacral pulse exists along the spinal cord*. Cranial osteopaths believe that this pulse can be felt using gentle touch. Cranial osteopaths also believe that when the cranio-sacral pulse is disturbed it leads to poor health.
The membranes of the spinal cord (meninges) attach from the bottom of the spine (sacrum) to the bones of the skull (cranium). There are lots of little bones in the skull and face and between most of them there exist moveable joints (sutures). When the cranio sacral pulse reaches the joints a subtle movement can be felt as the bones move in different directions. Cranial osteopaths are able to feel when some bones are stuck and can restore them to their natural, comfortable postion.
Since the brain and spinal cord control our whole body, the cranio sacral rhythm is essential for the body's normal functioning. A baby's skull is very soft and the small bones of the skull are exposed to strong forces during birth that can disrupt the cranio sacral rhythm. Cranial osteopaths believe that many childhood illnesses such as colic, glue ear, reflux and poor suckling can be the result of a disturbance of the cranio sacral pulse.
The cranio sacral pulse is extremely subtle and it requires the experienced touch of the cranial osteopath to feel and influence it. Since cranial osteopathy is so gentle it is completely safe and the utmost care is taken to make the infant feel comfortable.
Cranial osteopathy, whilst often used to treat infants is also effective for adults. Cranial osteopaths are also trained in the medical sciences and therefore are able to identify when a case is suitable for cranial osteopathy and when the patient needs to be referred elsewhere.
*British Columbia Office of Health Technology Assessment (BCOHTA)